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Education & Professional Background

Dr. Campbell Moore embarked on her journey in dentistry at the University of Utah School of Dentistry, where she earned her dental degree in May 2020. Drawn to the perfect blend of art and science, Dr. Moore chose dentistry as a career that allows her to craft with her hands while actively helping people. Her education was enriched with hands-on experiences and humanitarian trips, where she provided free dental care to underprivileged families both in Utah and internationally. These experiences deepened her understanding of the vital role dental health plays in overall well-being. Since beginning her practice in 2020, Dr. Moore has continually sought to expand her expertise, taking professional development courses in implant and surgical procedures, with plans to further her knowledge in clear aligners. She is an active member of the American Dental Implant Association, reflecting her commitment to staying at the forefront of dental advancements.

Patient Care Philosophy & Community Involvement

Dr. Moore’s patient care philosophy is rooted in creating a positive and personalized experience for every patient. Recognizing that many people feel anxious about dental visits, she is dedicated to making dentistry more enjoyable and accessible, ensuring that her patients feel comfortable and well-informed. Dr. Moore believes that every patient is unique and deserving of individualized care, a principle that guides her approach to treatment. Her passion for community service, sparked by her educational experiences, continues to drive her involvement in initiatives that provide dental care to those in need. Through her practice and community work, Dr. Moore aims to make a lasting impact on her patients’ lives by promoting proactive dental health.

Personal Life & Interests

Outside of her professional life, Dr. Moore cherishes time spent with her family. She is a devoted wife and mother to a 2-year-old daughter, and they share their home with a playful black Goldendoodle named Ford. As a family, they enjoy playing tennis, and her daughter is particularly fond of swimming. Dr. Moore’s free time is primarily focused on her family, and she delights in the joy and energy her daughter brings into their lives. This dedication to family life allows her to approach her dental practice with a balanced perspective and renewed enthusiasm.

Your Trusted Dental Expert

Dr. Moore’s strong educational foundation, diverse professional experiences, and commitment to continuing education make her a well-equipped dentist. Her approach to patient care, which emphasizes personalized treatment and patient comfort, sets her apart in the field. Beyond her dental practice, her involvement in community service and her dedication to family life reflect a well-rounded and compassionate individual. Dr. Moore is not just a skilled dentist; she is a caring professional who strives to improve the lives of her patients, both in and out of the dental chair.


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